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Five Charity Sector Interview Questions (And How to Answer Them)

12 January 2023 / Samantha Coe
HomeNews & Views  / Five Charity Sector Interview Questions (And How to Answer Them)

Job interviews can be stressful, and your nerves can sometimes get the better of you. As recruiters we are aware of this and that is why we would like to help you put your best foot forward in your next interview. 

The way that you answer interview questions matters as they give your interviewer and potential new employer a great opportunity to see what type of employee you will be. This is why the way you answer the interview questions is so important.

Some interview questions have less to do with your skills but rather your character. That is because it is easier to train aptitude rather than attitude. When people have the right attitude, they are both motivated and open to learning new skills. Workplace culture is very important to employers, and the values you bring to the shared culture may sometimes matter more than your experience and qualifications.

To help you land that next big role, here are some common Third Sector interview question and tips on how to best answer them.


1.   What drew you to a role in the Charity Sector?

This is a great opportunity to share a personal story or connection which you may have that encouraged you to apply for this particular role with this particular charity. It may be a cause close to your heart or even just a new opportunity that excites you.


2.   Why now in your career are you seeking a change?

This Is an opportunity for you to stand out to your interviewer. Whether the answer is a positive one or not, it’s important to lead with a constructive explanation, whether its new challenges, a change of work environment or a complete career change, try to put your own upbeat spin on it. Your answer gives the recruiter an opportunity to understanding where you are in your job search and the passion/commitment you have to the role.


3.   What do you know about (INSERT CHARITY NAME) and the services they provide?

This question is almost guaranteed in every interview, it is the recruiter’s way of seeing how much effort you put into researching the Charity in question prior to applying. The answer should show a clear knowledge of what the charity does. Be sure to include specific information about the role you are applying for, such as fundraising. Use this opportunity to talk the interviewer through some of their fundraising campaigns they have run and how you have completed similar work. This shows that you have done your research but also allows you to showcase some of your experience.


4.   Why do you think you are the ideal candidate for the role?

This is often a hard question to answer, simply because a lot of people find it hard to talk themselves up and often do not want to ‘toot their own horn’. But this is actually the perfect opportunity to highlight the skills you have that would be most beneficial for this particular role. Your three main goals here are to differentiate yourself from other candidates, show that you can do the job and let the interviewer know that you can deliver results. If you have never worked in the sector before, you can speak about your transferable skills that would be beneficial in this role.


5.   Is there anything in the job description that you feel you may need some support with?

This is a question that gives you an opportunity to discuss a potential weakness without referring to it as a weakness. Whatever you do require support with be sure to provide a solution, such as a course or additional training as this makes it seem like you are aware that this is something that you would need help with but you are also willing to put in the work to get on top of it. Do not feel shy or embarrassed to answer this question honestly - we are all human and require support sometimes.


At the end of an interview, you will often get the opportunity to ask questions.

Do not be afraid to ask your questions, use this opportunity to find out critical information about the role and clarify anything you are unclear on, it is a great opportunity to stand out from the pack!


Do you feel ready to take on that next Charity Sector interview?

The most important things are to remain calm, be honest but positive, be yourself and take every opportunity presented to showcase your skills and character. 




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