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North & South – a Great Divide in Giving?

26 August 2013 / BTA
HomeNews & Views  / North & South – a Great Divide in Giving?
Recently an article from the Guardian caught our eye, looking at the difference between charitable donations between England and Scotland.

Contrary to the popular stereotype, people in Scotland donate more to charity per head than their counterparts elsewhere in the UK.

A particularly interest finding from the survey suggests that people from London and the South East of England are amongst the most tight-fisted in the UK as a whole. However, interesting too is that it's not the most wealthy Scots that are necessarily giving the most, with Scots earning over £150k actually giving less than many people elsewhere in Scotland.

But maybe there's another reason why the Scots are such great charitable givers. Politically in Scotland, beliefs and ideas about solidarity and collective welfare are familiar, while in comparison, the culture of the South East might tend to be more focused on you as the individual, especially in London. But, just because the South East and London area might be more focused on number one, this certainly doesn't mean that these kinds of beliefs mean people can't be generous. In the US, the focus on number one is arguably still important, but as a whole the US still maintains a strong charitable ethos.

With all these facts considered, it seems clear that Scotland is still setting an impressive example worldwide in terms of charitable giving.

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