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Share Scotland in the Medals

31 August 2018 / BTA
HomeNews & Views  / Share Scotland in the Medals
Share Scotland is a small, family-led organisation who provide care and support to people with extremely complex and severe disabilities, allowing them to live in their own homes.

First providing support in 1991 in a 5-person property in Ibrox, Share now supports 50 people across West Dunbartonshire, Glasgow and Edinburgh and the Lothians, and their main aim is to ensure that the ambitions and desires of these people are met as far as possible, whilst leaving as light a footprint on their lives as they can.

One of those ambitions held by a group of tenants from one of Share’s properties in the East of Scotland, was to take part in the Special Olympics this year.

Founded in 1968, the Special Olympics promote the idea that sport can give confidence and new hope to people with learning difficulties as well as those who care for them.

This year in Sheffield there were 2700 athletes, competing in 17 different sports, with ages ranging from 8 to 80!

So at the start of August, our 4 athletes headed “down south” as part of the Lothians Special Olympics Team. Having attended a weekly training club and taking part in competitions both locally and across Scotland, they also had additional training which was provided by Share Scotland Coaches, who undertook this in their own time on a voluntary basis.

One of the highlights from the Games was the Opening Ceremony, which was compered by Kris Kamara, Jim Carter of Downton Abbey and Suzie Perry. The athletes all took part in a very emotional “walk in” and the only thing the rain dampened was the ground.

A few fantastic days of competition followed, with some tightly contested events taking place, and the Share Team were very proud to achieve 3 Gold Medals, 4 Bronze Medals along with ribbons and certificates for swimming!

If you would like to learn more about Share Scotland, please contact us:

Catriona Connelly Head of Communications and Fundraising: [email protected] or telephone: 0141 445 8992

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