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Dyslexia awareness week

8 October 2021 / Cassandra Mcilwraith
HomeNews & Views  / Dyslexia awareness week

It’s dyslexia awareness week and I wanted to share my insight...

Dyslexia shouldn’t be discouraged nor frowned upon, it’s just a different way of seeing the world, another way of processing information and a different way of collaborating with others to create great ideas!

Looking back throughout my education, I was never academically gifted, however I excelled in practical hands-on subjects and was very creative. Unfortunately, I was never supported in my early year’s education and most school reports said I was “disruptive or lacked interest / motivation”.  My uninformed ideas of “Dyslexia” was that it meant someone lacked intelligence or was lazy.

In 2018, at the age of 23 whilst undertaking my Diploma in Equine Studies at SRUC Oatridge College, I was finally given the opportunity to undergo a psychology evaluation, where I was diagnosed with Dyslexia. 

From there, everything changed. I was introduced to workplace adjustments and specialist support through my studies, I learned so many new things about my dyslexia which gave me the self-confidence to embrace the challenges that faced me now. 

Now to the present day:

I’m unbelievably grateful to be working with a company that are willing to invest in and support me. I am now empowered to use my platform to raise awareness of the invisible disability and encourage others to continue to thrive in being themselves.

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